plasma frequnecy magazine

StarShipSofa No 419 Krystal Claxon and Louis Rosenberg

Coming Up….

Louis Rosenberg – founder of Unanimous Ai

Click Here to get all you need to know and more about Human Swarming

Fact: Looking Back at Genre History by Amy H. Sturgis

Main Fiction: “Bitter Remedy” by Krystal Claxton

Originally published in Plasma Frequency Magazine

Tragically born with a miscalibrated sense of humor, Krystal Claxton lived in nine US states before the age of thirteen. The combination of the two has left her with an oscillating accent and a habit of laughing at things that aren’t funny. She currently lives in Georgia with her long-suffering spouse, a dog who thinks she’s a cat, and a number of children that is subject to change.  She enjoys breaking Heinlein’s Rules, getting distracted by Dragon Con, and feverishly researching whichever random topic has just piqued her interest. Keep up with her at and on twitter @krystalclaxton

Narrated by Karen Bovenmyer

Karen Bovenmyer is an exiled super villain making reparations from Ames, Iowa, where she contributes many hours of public service teaching new writers and training the next generation of super scientists at Iowa State University. Part of her rehabilitation includes serving as nonfiction assistant editor for Escape Artists’ Mothership Zeta Magazine, a quarterly ezine publishing fun and uplifting science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Her villainous exploits have been cataloged in such venues as Devilfish Review, Crossed Genres, Abyss and Apex Magazine and are forthcoming on the Pseudopod Podcast. She is truly sorry for her previous misdeeds and encourages you to check out Krystal Claxton’s other stories, especially Graeme Dunlop’s narration of “The Newsboy’s Last Stand” over at the PodCastle Podcast. She credits Claxton’s writings as pivotal in her decision to lay down her mask and check herself into the villain reform program.

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