
StarShipSofa No 551 Luke Hindmarsh

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Main Fiction: “Out of the Blue, Into the Black” by Luke Hindmarsh

Luke E.T. Hindmarsh was born in Oxford, UK before being dragged all over the world by his parents, courtesy of the Royal Air Force. Before starting to write full time, he worked as a Criminal Barrister in London for ten years, which doesn’t qualify him to make good coffee but did mean he had to wear a wig and gown in court. He now lives in the Scandinavian wilds of Denmark with his wife and their half-viking children. His first novel, a SF crime thriller called Mercury’s Son, was published by Crossroad Press in 2017. When not writing, Luke teaches Shinseido Okinawan Karate, works on his motorcycle and pretends he can play the guitar.

Narrated by: Pixie Willo

Pixie is a voice actor, cabaret performer & slam poet from the Blue Mountains in NSW Australia.She is currently finishing a BA in Theatre, Performance& Creative writing at the University of New England. She enjoys writing short fiction,her own brand of weird poetry, plays for radio and stage and is currently producing her first play for children.She hosts the ‘Off-Beet Poetry Slam’ held bi-monthly in the Blue Mountains, and is a theatre reviewer for 2ser FM in Sydney. Pixie is also a narrator for AntipodeanSF.