Main Fiction: “The dataSultan of Streets and Stars” by Jeremy Szal This story first appeared in Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction (October 2018). Jeremy Szal was born in 1995 and was raised by wild dingoes, which should explain a lot. He spent his childhood exploring beaches, bookstores, and the limits of people’s patience. […]
StarShipSofa No 638 Aimee Ogden
Main Fiction: “Seven Letters” by Aimee Ogden This story is original to StarShipSofa. Aimee Ogden is a former science teacher and software tester; now she writes stories about sad astronauts and angry princesses. Her short fiction has also appeared in Analog, Fireside, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and her novella Local Star is forthcoming from Interstellar Flight Press. […]
StarShipSofa No 637 Doug C. Souza
Main Fiction: “The Callisto Stakes” by Doug C. Souza. This story first appeared in Asimov’s (September 2018). You can find Doug C. Souza at and He loves hearing from readers of his work, so don’t ever hesitate to send him a question or comment. Just watch out; he’s been known to write a few paragraphs when […]
StarShipSofa No 636 Dantzel Cherry
Main Fiction: “No Body Enough” by Dantzel Cherry This story first appeared in Future Science Fiction #2 (April 2019). When Dantzel Cherry is not raising her daughter or teaching Pilates and dance, she is writing. Dantzel’s short fiction has appeared in Fireside, Future SF, Cast of Wonders, Galaxy’s Edge, and other magazines and anthologies. She […]
StarShipSofa No 635 Floris M. Kleijne
Main Fiction: “Bringing Down the Mast” This story first appeared in The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Vol. III. Floris M. Kleijne is the author of more than two dozen short stories in Daily Science Fiction, Galaxy’s Edge, Factor Four, and numerous other publications. He lives in a 200-year-old house in the Dutch river district, but does […]