Main Fiction: “Monkey Talk” by T. Lucas Earle. This story was first published in Electric Spec in July 2011. T. Lucas Earle is a writer, filmmaker, and musician. His fiction has appeared in Electric Spec, Colored Lens, Razor Literary Magazine, Baltimore Review, and New Myths. His dark comedy, Abduction, premiered in LA Shorts fest in […]
StarShipSofa No 665 Sophie Yorkston
Main Fiction: “Sleepers” by Sophie Yorkston. “Sleepers” first appeared in Deep Magic in August, 2018. Sophie Yorkston is a biomedical scientist and writer from Melbourne, Australia. When not working or translating the implications of research into fiction, she explores the world, documenting it with photographs and words. She was former editor-in-chief of SQ Mag, Australian […]
StarShipSofa No 664 Robert D. Beech
Main Fiction: “In the Glow-Worm’s Cave” by Robert D. Beech. This story is original to StarShipSofa. Robert Beech is a practicing psychiatrist and a faculty member at the Yale School of Medicine. He has published professional papers in a variety of scientific journals. Narrated by: Anthony Babington. Anthony Babington is a voice actor who looks […]
StarShipSofa No 663 Lucy Stone
Main Fiction: “Camp Cupid” by Lucy Stone. This story first appeared in House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Literature, vol. 1. Lucy Stone is a freelance writer, lexicographer, and mother of one. Her stories have appeared in many speculative journals, including Dreamforge Magazine, Electric Spec, House of Zolo, and Bards and Sages Quarterly. Her major […]
StarShipSofa No 662 Zero HP Lovecraft
Main Fiction: “Eventual Consistency” by Zero HP Lovecraft. This story was previously published at the author’s website. Zero HP Lovecraft is in the room with us right now. He is a known antichrist-hater and woman-respect-maximalist. He believes that love and emotions are chemicals but, hypocrite that he is, he relies on chemicals to tell him […]