
StarShipSofa No 670 Raluca Balasa

Main Fiction: “Forty-Flesh Barrier” by Raluca Balasa. This story was first published in Mad Scientist Journal, January 2019. Raluca Balasa holds an MFA in Creative Writing: Fiction from the University of Nevada, Reno. Her approach to writing is character oriented, often dealing with love/hate relationships, antiheroes, and antagonists who make you agree with them. Her […]

StarShipSofa No 669 J Weintraub

Main Fiction: “Afloat” by Joe Weintraub. This story was first published in Altered States: Sci-fi and Fantasy Stories about Change (Mint Hill Books, 2011). A member of the Dramatists Guild, J. Weintraub has had short plays and radio dramas produced throughout the United States and in Australia, New Zealand, India, and Germany. His fiction, poetry, […]

StarShipSofa No 668 Jeremy Szal

Main Fiction: “Dead Men Walking” by Jeremy Szal. This story was first published in Abyss and Apex in December, 2017. Jeremy Szal was born in 1995 and was raised by wild dingoes, which should explain a lot. He spent his childhood exploring beaches, bookstores, and the limits of people’s patience. He’s the author of over […]

StarShipSofa No 667 C H Pearce

Main Fiction: “Worms, their Carer, and his Friend” by C. H. Pearce. This story is original to StarShipSofa. C. H. Pearce is an Australian writer of weird dystopian stories. She lives in Canberra with her partner and two small children, wrangles data at her day job, and also does art. Her short fiction has appeared […]

StarShipSofa No 666 T Lucas Earle

Main Fiction: “Monkey Talk” by T. Lucas Earle. This story was first published in Electric Spec in July 2011. T. Lucas Earle is a writer, filmmaker, and musician. His fiction has appeared in Electric Spec, Colored Lens, Razor Literary Magazine, Baltimore Review, and New Myths. His dark comedy, Abduction, premiered in LA Shorts fest in […]

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