
StarShipSofa 710 Terry Bisson

Main Fiction: “Charlie’s Angels” by Terry Bisson Terry Bisson is a science fiction writer and editor. Currently he is the series editor for PM’s OutspokenAuthor Series. He also writes the This Month in History feature in Locus Magazine. His works and story can be found on his website, Terry Bisson of the Universe. This story […]

StarShipSofa 709 Gregory Norman Bossert

Main Fiction: “With Frank and Lucinda Brewer at the East Pole” by Gregory Norman Bossert Gregory Norman Bossert is an author and filmmaker based just over the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. He started writing in 2009 on a dare and has no intention of stopping anytime soon. His story “The Telling” won the […]

StarShipSofa 708 Steve Rasnic Tem

Main Fiction: “A Letter from the Emperor” by Steve Rasnic Tem Steve Rasnic Tem is a past winner of the Bram Stoker, World Fantasy, and British Fantasy Awards. His novel Ubo (Solaris Books), a finalist for the Bram Stoker Award, is a dark science fictional tale about violence and its origins, featuring such historical viewpoint […]

StarShipSofa 707 Molly Tanzer

Main Fiction: “Wild Plums” by Molly Tanzer Molly Tanzer is the award-winning author of five novels, two collections, and many works of short fiction. She lives outside of Boulder, CO with her notorious cat, the Toad. Follow her on Instagram @molly_tanzer. This story originally appeared in Phase Change: Imagining Energy Futures, 2022. Narrated by: Mary Murphy Mary […]

StarShipSofa 706 Eleanor Arnason

Main Fiction: “Mines” by Eleanor Arnason Eleanor Arnason published her first story in 1973. She is one of the flood of women writers who came into SF during the Second Wave of Feminism; and her work reflects the Second Wave, as well as the aspirations and conflicts of the 1960s. She has published five or […]

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