Coming Up… Short Fiction: “The Universe Reef” by Tobias S. Buckell Jackson buckles his leathers tighter, and pulls on a fur. “The height causes that cold,” he shouts. “We’re like mountaineers!” I want to flee the bitter cold and escape the wind, which seems to pierce my skin and scrub my bones. But I don’t […]
Poetry Planet
StarShipSofa No 367 E Saxey/Stephen V Ramey
Coming Up… Main Fiction: “Not Smart, Not Clever”, by E Saxey E. Saxey is a queer Londoner and fan of floral-flavour chocolate, whose work has appeared in Apex, Holdfast, Daily Science Fiction and Spacewitch Moonshots, and anthologies including The Lowest Heaven and Pandemonium: The Rite of Spring. Narrated by Elizabeth Armancas Ibba Armancas is a […]
StarShipSofa No 363 Megan Lindholm (Robin Hobb)
Coming Up… Fact: News About Rosetta by Katherine Inskip 03:40 Main Fiction: “Old Paint” by Megan Lindholm 26:30 I was only nine when it happened, so I may not have the details absolutely right. But I know the heart of my story, and the heart is always what matters in a tale like mine. Megan Lindholm was […]
StarShipSofa No 321 C.C. Finlay and Ken Liu
Coming up… Short Fiction 1: “Effect and Cause” by Ken Liu 01:15 Interview: Dr. Linda Spilker – Cassini Project Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory 09:20 Ken’s fiction has appeared in F&SF, Asimov’s, Analog, Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, and Clarkesworld, among other places. He has won a Nebula, two Hugos, a World Fantasy Award, and a Science Fiction & Fantasy Translation Award, and been nominated for the […]
StarShipSofa No 310 David J. Schwartz
Coming Up Fact: Poetry Planet Rhysling Showcase Pt 2 by Diane Serverson 01:30 Main Fiction: “Today’s Friends” by David J. Schwartz 20:00 David J. Schwartz carries Minnesota with him in a small camel-colored attaché with a combination lock; it can only be opened by taking the number of hairs on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s head, dividing it […]