Cover Art

StarShipSofa No 349 Alex Jablokov

Coming up… Cover Art by Yohann Schepacz Yohann Schepacz is a french concept artist in such sectors as video games, film, and traditional print media. A consummate consumer of the unknown and unknowable, his detailed paintings leave the viewer with a longing for the worlds that exist just, tantalizingly, beyond the confines of the screen. […]

StarShipSofa No 344 Octavia Cade (Part 1)

Coming up… Cover Art by Juan Ochoa Main Fiction: “Trading Rosemary” (Part 1) by Octavia Cade Among those who could accurately judge such things, it was generally acknowledged that Rosemary’s library was the finest of its kind in the entire archipelago. Rosemary was justifiably proud of it. Begun by her great-grandfather, it had passed down through […]

StarShipSofa No 316 Marissa Lingen and Lettie Prell

Coming up… Cove Art by Sparth Two tales of interstellar etiquette. Short Fiction: “Earth for Dummies” by Lettie Prell 03:00 Lettie Prell is the author of the novel, Dragon Ring (Flying Pen Press). Her work has also appeared in “Apex,” “Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine,” “Aiofie’s Kiss” and “Paranormal Underground.” Fact: Looking Back at Genre History by Amy H. […]

StarShipSofa No 312 David Erik Nelson

Coming up… Cover Art by Nicolas Bouvier 02:25 Sparth (nicolas bouvier) has been an active artistic director and concept designer in the gaming industry since 1996. Born in France, he now lives in Seattle, Washington, working for Microsoft.Having had the privilege of travelling extensively at an early age to such places as far afield as the USA, […]

StarShipSofa No 307 C.J. Cherryh

Coming up… Cover Art by David Demaret Fact: Looking Back at Genre History by Amy H Sturgis 02:40 Main Fiction: “Cassandra” by C.J. Cherryh 17:50 1979 Hugo Award Winner for Best Short Story Interview: John Joseph Adams HELP FUND MY ROBOT ARMY!!! & Other Improbable Kickstarters 43:00 Narrator: Nicola Seaton-Clark  

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