Main fiction: “Dwindling” by Rudy Vener Rudy Vener is a retired software engineer and the author of several stories that have appeared in Sci-Fi Shorts online magazine. He has been shortlisted for the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award, andbeen selected multiple times as a finalist and as a winner in the Tassy Walden Awards […]
Author Archive
StarShipSofa 725 Avra Margariti
Main fiction: “Side Effects May Vary” by Avra Margariti Avra Margariti is a queer author, Greek sea monster, and Rhysling-nominated poet with a fondness for the dark and the darling. Avra’s work haunts publications such as Vastarien, Asimov’s, Strange Horizons, and F&SF. You can find Avra on twitter (@avramargariti). This story originally appeared in Fusion […]
StarShipSofa 724 Mark Kenneth Hoover
Main fiction: “Rubber Monkeys” by Mark Kenneth Hoover Kenneth Mark Hoover’s fiction has appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons, and many others. He is a member of SFWA and WWA, and divides his time between Texas and New Mexico. This is his first sale to StarShipSofa. This story originally appeared […]
StarShipSofa 723 Michael Canfield
Main Fiction: “Landing Day” by Michael Canfield Michael Canfield has published more than thirty short stories, appearing in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, The Mammoth Book of Kaiju, Strange Horizons, and other places. This story originally appeared in Talebones #35, Summer 2007 Narrated by: Mark Nelson Mark Nelson began audiobook narration in 2006, and now has […]
StarShipSofa 722 Rick Novy
Main fiction: “Throwing a Haymaker” by Rick Novy Rick Novy is an engineer, writer, and musician. In his free time, he enjoys working out, playing guitar, and cooking healthy meals. Rick lives in Arizona, spending time in both Tucson and Scottsdale. Learn more at This story originally appeared, in slightly different form, in M-Brane […]