Author Archive

StarShipSofa 731 Edward M. Lerner

Listen to the new Sofanauts: Just search in your favourite podcast app for us! Apple PodcastsSpotify Podcasts Main fiction: “Nothing to Lose” by Edward M. Lerner Edward M. Lerner is the author of eighteen SF novels and many shorter works. The final novel in his InterstellarNet trilogy won the inaugural Canopus Award “honoring excellence in […]

StarShipSofa 730 Paul Jessup

Main fiction: “The Glorious Tunnels of our Gravitydragons” by Paul Jessup Paul Jessup is a best selling video game designer, and award winning writer. He has several books out in the small press, with the latest ones being Glass House, Skinless Man Counts to Five, and Cancer Eats the Heart. With over 25 years of […]

StarShipSofa 729 Eric Del Carlo

Main fiction: “Stone by Stone” by Eric Del Carlo Eric Del Carlo’s fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Strange Horizons, and other venues. “Stone by Stone” is set in his recurring Redmarch universe. Other stories transpiring in this continuum have appeared in Analog and Clarkesworld. He lives in his native California. This story is original to […]

StarShipSofa 728 Neil Willcox

Main fiction: “Conscript Sally” by Neil Willcox Neil Willcox lives in south east England where he has (briefly) studied space science, picked fruit, tutored, and analysed data for insurance. He has most recently been published in voidspace, Hexagon, and Swords And Sorcery Magazine, and has a poem forthcoming from Corvid Queen. He can be found […]

StarshipSofa 727 Richard Kadrey

Main fiction: “Trembling Blue Stars” by Richard Kadrey Richard Kadrey is the New York Times bestselling author of the Sandman Slim supernatural noir series. Sandman Slim was included in Amazon’s “100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books to Read in a Lifetime.” Some of Kadrey’s other books include The Dead Take the A Train (with Cassandra […]

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