Author Archive

StarShipSofa No 560 James Sallis

Main Fiction: “New Teeth” by James Sallis Originally published in Analog. While mostly wandering around the house, Jim sits down from time to time to write books like Drive, from which the Nic Refn film derived; or to translate a novel by Raymond Queneau; to publish five poetry collections and three of musicology; to write […]

StarShipSofa No 556 Liz Coleman

Patreon support now standing at 433 – last week 434 Help us get to 500 Patreon Supporters. Main Fiction: “Join” by Liz Coleman This story originally appeared at Lightspeed. Liz Coleman has been published in Lightspeed Magazine and Beneath Ceaseless Skies and is a graduate of Viable Paradise. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest […]

StarShipSofa No 555 Timothy Mudie

Patreon support now standing at 433 – last week 434 Help us get to 500 Patreon Supporters. Main Fiction: “Dogface on Ice” by Timothy Mudie This story is original to StarShipSofa. Timothy Mudie has had stories published in Lightspeed, Aliterate, Metaphorosis, and several other magazines and anthologies. He lives outside of Boston, where he works as […]

StarShipSofa No 553 John A Karr

Patreon support now standing at 434 – last week 434 Help us get to 500 Patreon Supporters. Main Fiction: “The Foot Race” by John A. Karr John Andrew Karr writes of the strange and spectacular. He is the author of the Mars Wars series, with the first novel, DETONATION EVENT, coming in February 2019. He has […]

StarShipSofa No 551 Luke Hindmarsh

Patreon support now standing at 431 – last week 426 Help us get to 500 Patreon Supporters. Main Fiction: “Out of the Blue, Into the Black” by Luke Hindmarsh Luke E.T. Hindmarsh was born in Oxford, UK before being dragged all over the world by his parents, courtesy of the Royal Air Force. Before starting to […]

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