StarShipSofa 729 Eric Del Carlo

March 27, 2024 by nick
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Main fiction: “Stone by Stone” by Eric Del Carlo

Eric Del Carlo’s fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Strange Horizons, and other venues. “Stone by Stone” is set in his recurring Redmarch universe. Other stories transpiring in this continuum have appeared in Analog and Clarkesworld. He lives in his native California.

This story is original to StarShipSofa.

Narrated by: Mark Nelson

Mark Nelson began audiobook narration in 2006, and now has over 180 titles at LibriVox, and recording as “Harry Shaw,” more than 100 for Audible. While Mark mainly records sci-fi, fantasy, and horror titles, he has also ventured into the classics, including Hugo and Dostoyevsky.


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