StarShipSofa No 355 Octavia Cade

September 24, 2014 by acpracht

Coming up…

Fact: Maven by Katherine Inskip

Main Fiction: “The Mistress of Fishes” by Octavia Cade

Octavia Cade is a PhD candidate in science communication at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Her short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Cosmos Magazine, and Aurealis, amongst other places. “Trading Rosemary” is her first novella, published earlier this year by Masque Books and narrated here on StarShipSofa. She can be found at


“The dead man’s flat was sparsely furnished and silent with dust. Sina ran a finger across the table top, a clean ribbon of wood unfurling behind it. On the mantelpiece were photographs set in cheap frames, the only things in the room that had been kept carefully dusted. She picked one up, studying the woman in the photo, her old fashioned dress and cheerful grin, and the one careful string of pearls around her neck.”


Narrator: Barbra Dillon

Barbra Dillon is an editor, producer, and actress. Barbra is the managing editor and co-founder of Fanboy Comics, an online conglomerate of geek media and independent comic book publisher. During her time with Fanboy Comics, she has served as the editor/producer of the graphic novels “Something Animal,” “Identity Thief,” and “The Arcs.” In addition to her work with Fanboy Comics, Barbra can be heard as the voice of Katniss Everdeen in “The Katniss Chronicles,” an unofficial and unauthorized audio drama based on “The Hunger Games,” as well as the voice of Clara in Pendant Audio’s production of “Phantom Canyon.”


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  1. […] Now, coming from the “Oops, I’m so behind!” file, comes some very late-breaking news. My short sci-fi story, “The Mistress of Fishes”, has been podcast by the good people over at StarShipSofa. You can listen to the very fine narration by Barbra Dillon here. […]