StarShipSofa 751 Guido Eekhaut

Main fiction: “The Whispering Flowers” by Guido Eekhaut

Guido Eekhaut is a European writer of weird, speculative fiction, crime and literary fantasy, residing in Spain and Belgium; Dutch-, English and French-speaking, published 70 books and 180 stories in several languages, awards and nominations mostly for crime writing, no cat (likes cats, does not have one, but has a lot of books).

This story is original to StarShipSofa.

Narrated by: Will Stagl

Will Stagl lives in his adopted home of Tucson Arizona where he is a creative professional by day and proudly recruits talented voice actors for StarShipSofa whenever duty calls. He shares a birthday with Mark Twain, Billy Idol and Winston Churchill, who will all be raising a pint together at the end of this month in celebration.

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